Safe Browsing

Red Access delivers the first agentless browsing security platform to secure any browser, web application, and data in the modern enterprise workspace

Real-Time Phishing Protection

Block Phishing and โ€จMalicious websites

Combine real-time page protection against phishing attacks and behavior analysis with URL filtering to block the sharing of corporate credentials and data.

Phishing User Browsing a phishing website posing as a corporate servicePhishingProtect from Browser Zero DaysCredential ProtectionContent Filtering

Deep Analysis Zero-Day Browser Protection

Protection Against Web threats and Zero-Days

Advanced web page protection against threats, including malicious JavaScript, WebAssembly, phishing content, drive-by downloads, cross-site scripting (XSS), clickjacking, man-in-the-middle (MitM), malicious iframes, and untrusted content

Malicious JavascriptMalicious AdsMalicious Web AssemblyCookie StealingUser Browsing a website that contains malicious objects or a Zero-dayBrowser Zero-DayProtect from Browser Zero DaysReal-Time Deep AnalysisE2E-Encrypted Traffic Analysis

Extension Discovery, Security and Management

Discover installed Extensions and risk rate

Manage a unified extension policy across all browsers, and prevent malicious extensions download and usage with capabilities such as white and black management, block malicious or unverified extensions.

Quick Access – TrackerAdBlock – Block adsPassword ManagerZoomID: gighmmpiobklfepjo…ID: qptioojbgkfldffepjo…ID: hdokiejnpimakedha…ID: kgjfgplpablkjnlkjmjd…72 Active Users106 Active Users42 Active Users42 Active Users